jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

Sara made this artistic worksheet.
  1. You have to do a triangle to make the spiral but extend all the lines of the triangle.
  2. Then, choose one vertex of the triangle to start the spiral.
  3. Each part of the spiral has to start from a line and end in the next.
  4. The spiral has to be as large as you want.

Guille made this artistic worksheet.

  1.  You have to choose a module to colour it. 
  2. You can paint it in different ways, it means that you can colour it from dark to light colours.
Guille made this artistic worksheet.

  1. First you have to do a square and do four lines in a cross way to do the walls.
  2. The vanishing point have to be where the lines are crossed.
  3. Make the furniture that you want to decorate the room.
  4. You have to colour it in the way that you want.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Eva made this artistic worksheet.

  1. First you have to draw a vanishing point in the center of a line at the upper part.
  2. You have to do the things that you want but all the lines must go to the vanishing point.
  3. Finally paint it the way you want
Eva made this worksheet.                          

  1. First you should draw parallel lines in the way you want but not diagonal lines.
  2. Draw them with the set squares.
  3. Finally paint the parallel lines as you want.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Sara made this parallel lines drawing.  
  1. First, divide the paper into four equal parts.
  2. Then, you have to do the lines in the way that you want.
  3. You should make the drawings you want at the lines you have done before.
  4. You can colour it in the way that you want.